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Package 1

$40 for Personalized Resume , Cover Letter, and References Page in MS Word format via email delivery.

Package 2

$45 for Personalized Resume , Cover Letter, and References Page in both MS Word and PDF format via email delivery.



 Package 3

$50 for Company Specific Resume, Cover Letter, and References Page in MS Word format via email delivery.
-includes research of potential employer

Package 4

$55 for Company Specific Resume, Cover Letter, and References Page in both MS Word and PDF format via email delivery.
-includes research of potential employer



$25 for Resume Editing

- includes both MS Word and PDF format via email delivery.

$30 for Resume Editing with creation of Cover Letter, and References Page in MS Word format via email delivery.

$35 for Resume Editing with creation of Cover Letter, and References Page in both MS Word and PDF format via email delivery.




$25 for Cover Letter Creation

- includes both MS Word and PDF format via email delivery.

$20 for 2 Week Letter of Resignation





Printed Copies Subject to taxes and shipping charges.




Prices and Services

These are the most AFFORDABLE Resumes in Stockton, Ca !

Please compare to the local competition.

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